No, that’s okay — we’ve got a lovely view from back here

“I want to remember you this way,” I said to him, our eyes locking in ways they hadn’t. “I want to remember us this way. Maybe…maybe it can’t get any better than this. Maybe, some things are best adored, even appreciated, from a distance.” Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. The other side fuels our imagination. California’s great. Although a double-edged sword, she’s got it going on, really, but you hated how it felt when you had her. Now that the leaves are falling off from its branches on this side of the country, you miss the mouthwatering Mexcian food, the Pacific…

We help one another

A letter to all aspiring authors Dear a WIP, Scary isn’t it? Having to grip your heart from your chest and turn it inside and out for the world to see and pick apart. If you’re safe, perhaps no one will ever find it. Unfortunately, the world will be remiss of another talented name gone unnoticed whose writer was shrouded behind a shelf of books and a computer monitor. With a world flooded with inspiration, people of whom we want to be and of places where we want to travel, be sorely charmed and encouraged but remember your voice in…