A writer is a sum of their experiences

3 months ago
Viola Day

I walked around the cul-de-sac tonight. The scent of impending rain reminded me of the first few drops after it had…

Cool girl

8 months ago

Cool girl by Viola Day   Such a cool girl, I thought. How one can be adored, invariably noticed by…


10 months ago

S P A C E by Rina Pritchard It was yesterday when Facebook posts were either inner monologues or rib-tickling,…

When writing subplots and what they’ve taught me.

4 years ago

Subplots are windows of opportunity that help with a story's progression. When written and handled thoughtfully, they can cater to…

David Foster Wallace Talks Talent, the Inferiority Complex and Being a ‘Literary Heavyweight’

4 years ago

I've been reading Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself by David Lipsky, a book in a transcript/interview format…

Another rant, another page not written

4 years ago

​It's ​Day 106 of not having written. The other day, after reading, I tried and just grew frustrated. I place​d​…

18 Introspective Quotes for Pensive Writers

4 years ago

18 Introspective Quotes for Pensive Writers by Rina Pritchard If you've reflected all your life, then you're no stranger to…

​The Trouble With Marketing Yourself as a Writer

4 years ago

The trouble with marketing ourselves, as writers, is that it's awkward. Like trying to use a computer mouse with our…

Checking in

5 years ago

I haven't written anything in weeks.   W  E  E  K  S. Although I've been feeling and thinking all the time…

Can I Be Real? Confessions of a Mom-Writer. 

5 years ago

I carry him, wanting him to hang tight because tomorrow he’ll turn eighteen, and then I won't see him for…